Friday, May 29, 2009

Star Wars

"The Hero's journey is a journey into the center of yourself"

This is true for Luke because in the movie he not only felt deep down that his father, Darth Vader was good, but he had to search deep down inside himself. Reason I say this, is because in order to hold one's stand the way Luke had, he had to know himself, he had to trust in himself and he had to find that strength that one can only find within themselves. And how he held his ground and refused to kill him, it takes strength.
Now Darth Vader, perhaps it was a little harder for him seeing as he had said it was hard to resist the darkness, and that it was impossible, however, with the help of his son Luke, who refused to give up and refused to believe that he was all bad, he too searched inside himself and found that Luke was actually right. And with that, he gave his life to save his son. In the end, it was not only Luke who was the hero, but Darth Vader as well.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Community Service

Last winter we did another one of the joint musicals between Anderson and West Valley. However, this year it was big. This year we did “The Wizard of Oz” and seeing as it was such a big musical, it took a lot of man hours. There were the costumes, and the props, and the additional things to add to costumes such as hats. There was the dancing and the singing and the movements to perfect it. There was the time, and there were the big set pieces, and also, a new addition, the flight crew. I’m pretty sure that I worked over 20 hours with that play.
I helped out with things like cutting out the fabric, in which sometimes I would stay later or come earlier to help do so. There were the dances that I helped with, that I stayed late to watch and critique and add in my own ideas. Also, I had helped with the little kids so that they knew what to sing and what to do. I helped make the props which took a lot of hot glue, tap and anything else we could find at times.
Sure, it may have sounded easy, however it wasn’t. For one thing, wrapping the polls for the Winkies was not my idea of fun. It took a lot of time seeing as I am a perfectionist and I wanted the black tape to look nice going around the polls. Also, there were the flying monkey wings that I had to punch holes in. All they were made out of was plastic binders that they had spray painted black. Be that as it may, those holes were really hard to punch, however I didn’t mind it. Cutting out the patterns for some of the costumes wasn’t so bad actually. I kind of, in my own weird way had fun doing that part. I helped sew some weird plastic things to the masks they were going to use for the “Flying Monkeys” as well, making me feel cool because I was sewing something I literally couldn’t mess up.
I helped with the dances too. I actually helped more with the crows than anything else. I showed a few moves I thought would look cute to the dance instructor in which she gladly used. I also helped the crows clean their dance, counting out their steps so that the instructor could either work with another group or do something else she needed to do. Yes, we were all very busy. Oh, better yet, I had ended up going a few nights even when I wasn’t needed to help with other dances once I learned I wasn’t actually in it. A friend and I had made it up and practiced it with the group a few times.
All in all, I wouldn’t change a thing. It was fun helping out, knowing that if I hadn’t helped some of those things may not have gotten done. It was also nice to know that I was taking a little of the burden off the parents helping during the show. I guess you could say, I could understand how hard it was seeing as my grandmother had helped with “The King and I”, where she had sewn well over 200 costumes. That was very stressful, and so this year I could only imagine how bad it must have been for them.
One thing I learned from it was that things went better when there was help. No one person could have done all of that themselves. I also learned how grateful it could make a person when you help them take such a huge load off their back. It also made me think about my friend Chris Yost and how busy he must have been making all the things he had. Usually I just saw him and his friend Kelsi when he helped with our show. I don’t understand how he does it, but next time I see him, I’ll learn to ask him if he needs any help. (Not that I hadn’t before.)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Pakistan schooling

I don't agree with the way they are doing things. I think that everyone should have a fair chance at having an education. I mean, sure, we as Americans take school for granted a lot of the time. But honestly, if you think about it, if we weren't forced to go to school, most all of the students would still go anyway.
Anyway, in Pakistan, girls are not allowed to go to school unless they have wealthy parents who can pay to send their girls out of the country and the boys go to a religious school. I mean, if you only concentrated on religion, what else would you do in the world other than worry about upsetting God. These people, actually, it's mostly men, if all they know is religion, what is going to happen when they don't know much else?
As for how it will affect the world, I have no idea. I mean for some of us, we won't really think about it much like we don't really think about anything other than ourselves. I mean sure, it will mean that another country is going to be suffering, and we will donate money, and a lot of Pakistan women will be coming here or to other countries to get educations. There will be more suicide bombers and we will keep sending aid to said foreign country.
I mean I feel bad because most all of their country is and/or will be illiterate, but there really isn't much we can do. I understand that President Obama is worried about them, but he isn't their president so he can only do so much. And perhaps that will even anger them. It may just cause trouble, but beyond that, I don't see how it will affect the world.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Star Wars

In Star Wars, Luke is the hero. He has a lot of helpers. There are the two robots R2D2, C3PO, Princess Leia, Han Solo, Chubaka, and Obi One Canoby (Sp?). Also, his threshold guardian is Obi One Canoby (Sp?) seeing as he teaches Luke things and makes sure that Luke is safe, making sure to teach him even after he is gone, guiding him in the right direction. By the end of the movie, the hero has changed from a boy who wanted to be like his father, lost in the world that he lived in, to the man who saved a planet, fell in love and has confidence in himself. Although there is the tiny little piece of information he's missing when it comes to his falling in love with the princess, seeing as she is his sister, however, he doesn't know that yet.

Monday, April 27, 2009

I don't know what to say.

Five years ago, my cousin had died in a car crash. She had died instantly but it wasn't pretty. I remember having a chance to go in and see her but I had refused knowing that she wouldn't have wanted me to see her like that. I won't go into detail on how bad it was, all I know is that my mother used to cry and cry and cry about it. When I asked her, she just said, "Remember all those scary monsters in the movies that everyone tells you aren't real. It's just make up and fake skin. Well this was real. It wasn't your Nicole, it was a monster." In my head millions of pictures started morphing, trying to picture it but I just couldn't. She was my cousin, and I loved her to death...As far as I knew, she wasn't allowed to die. However, she had...I don't think it's ever really hit me, seeing as I still have the urge to call her on the phone and talk to her.
This story hits close to home in a lot of ways, and the more I think about it, the more I imagine pictures of Nicole popping up on the screen...the monster I was told of...I don't know how that girl Nikki's parents did it. As far as I'm concerned it is none of the public videos. It was none of those officers' either. What if it had been heir child? They wouldn't have liked it so well then. And as far as the myspace thing goes. It was no one Else's business either. I'm pretty sure they did it because they were just jealous because she had more money than they did. So what? Because they were mad that she had more than they did, so they decided they wanted to do cruel things. Nobody deserves to die like that. I don't care who the heck you are! Better yet, no one deserves to be treated like that after they've died. It is just sickening. People in this world have become so hateful1 It's like all their lives center around is money. That's all they want. Life is no longer centered around living, it is centered around money so that they can live after, and when it finally comes time to live, your life is almost up. Some people are fortunate, like Nikki,and I find myself wishing I had money too, but I would NEVER, I mean NEVER do something like that.
I'm just at a loss for words. There aren't enough words (not to mention appropriate words) that I could say to either express my opinion or much anything else about it.
I just keep thinking of my cousin and having her morbid picture posted all over the web. I just can't do it. And for other matters, no I don't think the new stations should be able to post it, especially without the family's consent.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Things NOT to learn in School.

One thing I did learn, a few days ago, is that a teacher CAN actually flunk a whole class. I have one teacher who was talking about grading the class as a whole, meaning that if the class average was a C, the whole class got a C. This would mean that if a bunch of people decided that they wanted to mess around and slack off, then every body's grade would suffer. That being said, the teacher would be flunking us all.

Another thing I learned if that there is more to learn and more you need to know than what's on the test. I have the perfect example. Cooking. There are things you need to do when cooking, things you need to know. And if you limit the things you tell yourself you need to know, and just memorize the little bit of things on the test, then you are in for a rude awakening. Like, sure, we learn how to bake cookies, and we know that will be on the test, so we study that part. However, what about the cakes. We didn't necessarily make those in class or study too terribly hard on those, but we would still need to know just in case, one day, we decide we want to bake a cake. Or if you go for a job in the industry. You would need to know these things.

I learned, last year, that it isn't always the teachers job to do the whole thing. They are there to guide you in the right direction. No, one person can control the way your mind works. They cannot control what you think or how you do it. They can only help you, guide you in the right direction so you can do so yourself. I learned this while I was in the subject I struggle with the most. That of course, happens to be math. And I had told the teacher one day that it was their job to teach me because they are the teacher, and I had believed that for so long. However, that day, when I went home, it hit me that it wasn't the truth. I had learned that lesson the hard way.

I learned that it doesn't matter how smart you are. It doesn't matter if someone else is flunking. Usually it is their own doing. You can never be too smart. There are things to learn everyday, and if you chose to overlook that for the sake of making others look bad, then you are only learning to let others control your life for you. I learned that even if a friend is flunking, at best, the only thing you can do is help them. You shouldn't have to make yourself look bad just for their sake.

I don't quite remember when I learned that even though 70% is a C and at least it's not a D. All I know is that you can only do your best. Sure a 70 is not great, especially with all those 80's and 90's. It's only half hearted. It means that you only tried so hard. However, there are also those, who do their best, and at best, to them a 70 is an 80-90. It is the best they had ever gotten. And it isn't because they weren't trying, it is because, they did their best. I'm not saying that a 70 is good and you should only try for a 70, however, some (like myself) can only get so far.

Also, I learned that not all tests are going to be multiple choice. It may be harder, but I figure, it's only so that it shows that you fully understand. That you actually remember. Like I had used in the previous, Cooking. You can't just walk around a kitchen hoping everything you do will have a four choice answer and one is going to be right. That would mean that you "wouldn't have to study as hard" because you wouldn't really have to wrack your brain to remember it. You'd think, hey, "I'll know it when I see it" and leave it at that, never really knowing anything, save for, "the answer is B".

Sometimes, there is not always a retest. I personally feel that they look bad. Not to mention I'm not any good at test anyway. I didn't really learn that, all I know is that after a while, the further up in school I got, the less teachers began to offer and I sort of just figured that on my own. I figured, do my best because that test is going to either bring my grade down, or higher it. (9 times out of 10 it lowered it.) So I figured, you can't always count on the redo. It's best not to get too used to it. That way you don't go into life expecting it, because life doesn't care. If you fall, it isn't going to wait for you and you can't just rewind and do it again.

That goes into the next, which is the fact that you don't necessarily get to pass, just because your buddies do. In jobs, they aren't going to say, "Oh since I'm going to higher you, I'm going to higher your friend too." If you chose to slack off, and your friend gets a job, tough luck. I guess that would mean you should either up your game, or hope to hell your friend likes you enough to help you out. You got yourself there, and it isn't their job to wait for you to make sure that you get somewhere too. It's like a 40 year old living with their mother and expecting her to cook, clean, work, and do everything else for you. It's just not right, and I kind of learned that myself.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I think that file-sharing isn't great but some people just can't afford to keep buying CD's. And if the United States passed a similar law I would be very sad. I mean I'm someone who loves music. I listen to it night and day and without it, I am nothing. Also, when I hear a song and I have to have it, it bothers me, I get this...I don't know, my emotion just goes weird. I think it is because I am addicted to music. SO if the law was passed I know I would be greatly effected.

However, I think that a compromise could be, having a file sharing site that charges a certain monthly fee, not too expensive, but enough to give the artists, musicians, and other media half the profit. I think that would be an ok thing. Actually, I'm pretty sure that I would be willing to pay the monthly fee. They could charge a bit more for movies and tv shows, and a little less if someone just wanted the music. It could be things like that.

Perhaps that could have a site or something where you could listen to the music for free. Not necessarily have it to download unless you wanted to pay for it, but just be able to listen to the songs all you want. That could be another one, another compromise I mean. Because I mean you can listen to music on iTunes, but it's only 30seconds. Beggars can't be choosers though.

Intellectual property is someone Else's property, someone Else's art and I think that if I were an artists, I probably wouldn't like it either. However, I would also know that there are some things you can't stop. I think I would at least be a bit happy that I got a little profit off of the programs that charged. I mean as long as I had money to pay the bills and not be scrapping for Cash I think I would be ok. And with the way the economy is, you KNOW someone is going to find a way to get music free. Because $14.oo may not seem like it is that much, however, with the economy, it actually is. And paying that much money for a CD, you can't. Not unless you have a lot of money.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Professional sports...

In all honesty, I think that they shouldn't. I mean Some of the things they get convicted for it's just like, how could you accept them? Let them back onto your team letting them ruin the team's reputation. I don't see how people could do that. Then again, it could just be something we all know as forgiveness. However, I still don't get it.
I guess I'm saying this because when I think about that person being able to play again, be famous once again, I just get this feeling. And it's not a good one either. I mean it started out with, oh it couldn't be that bad. That was of course, until I heard the things they got convicted for. It just felt so bad, so wrong, and I was so disgusted that I would never want them back out there with teams that people love so much. To me it's like a slap on the wrist.
However, I guess there could be something along the lines of proving themselves. Proving that they have changed. I mean that isn't so bad. I guess it's just the idea that they might be lying. Like you could forgive them and then you find out it's a lie. And I'm not saying sports are easy or anything like that, but, they shouldn't be able to go back to such a great thing like that after what they have done. I just don't like the idea of it.
Perhaps that's just me though.I tend to really let myself get into these things. Maybe there are one or two people out there that have really changed. Maybe there are more than one or two. Maybe there aren't any and I just think that because I watch too much TV and Movies.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

More facts about acting

Acting takes a very observant person most of the time. They have to be very familiar with the actions, emotions and they way people portray them so that in the end, they can send the message they are trying to send, to the audience. Actors should be trained in voice, whether it be on stage or on camera so that they can act to the best of their ability.

In ancient Greece, acting was in a very large, out door theatre. There actors wore comical masks and padded clothing. However, in the Roman period, actors were slaves. The performances were low and the most popular dramatic form was what is known as, bored farce. A farce is a light, humorous play in which the plot depends on a skillfully exploited situation rather than upon the development of a character.

Then, during the Christian period in Rome, acting had almost disappeared. The only people hanging onto the unique art were those whom we know as; Mimes, Jugglers, and Acrobats who entertained at fairs and what not. Thanks to the religion, every move and jester an actor performed where made so that they could do such performances in churches.

In the 16th century, modern professional acting began with the Italian, "Commedia Dell'Arte". These actors played as what they called, "Stock characters". They improvised, convincing and entertaining situations from general outlines. These actors included:

  • Arlecchino-The acrobat. Witty and Childlike. The most famous
  • Arlechin Batocio- Lower level on the social scale
  • Pantalone- Venetian merchant, rich and retired, mean and miserly. Has a young adventurous wife.
  • II Dottore- The Doctor
  • II Capitano- The Captain
  • Scaramouche/Scarramuccia (More than one spelling)- Dressed in all black. He was the Robin Hood of his age.
  • Zanni- As much as Harlequin. Is originaly from Bergamo.
  • Pulcinella- Philosophical, enternally melancholic, dreamer. A character of his own.
  • Brighella- Arlecchino's Crony
  • Innamorta (Inamorato&Inamorata) They are the lovers.
  • Isabella- The femal lover. Most known.
  • La Servetta- The Servant
  • Colmbina- What Isabella is not. She is free, insolent, a gossiper, and no slave to love bonds.
  • Catarin and Ballerina- Usually only sang and danced here and there.

There are most likely some more but there are only a few site that are accessible that have all of the character.

Works Cited

Category. "Commedia dell'Arte - Italian Comedy - Stock Characters." Italian Language - Learn Italian - About Italian Language - Learn to Speak Italian. 18 Mar. 2009 .

Delpiano, Roberto. "Italian Comedy Commedia dell'Arte Servetta Soubrette Colombina." Photography Art Web Design Carnival Roberto Delpiano's website . 18 Mar. 2009 .

Fielding, Anne. "I Believe This About Acting by Anne Fielding." Aesthetic Realism Theatre Company in New York City. 18 Mar. 2009 .

Hammerton, J. A.. "acting รข€“ FREE acting Information Facts, Pictures, Information!." Encyclopedia - Online Dictionary Find Articles, Facts, Pictures, Video!. 18 Mar. 2009 .

Created at

Monday, March 16, 2009

Education and Assimilation Collide

I'm not an immigrant myself, but my father was. He was born in Nairobi Kenya. I have no idea when he moved here but he is a legal citizen of the united states. My great grandfather was from Germany, he wen by the name of Adolph Tiemann. However, I do think that the immigration thing is getting out of hand. I mean in all honesty, I believe that when we say its a free country, it isn't true. As for my experiences, it sometimes doesn't change much of anything. People are still rude, and they label you as this or that. I think that it has a little bit to do with the fact that Americans aren't used to changes, they don't like changes, and they don't like anyone or anything that is different.
When I moved here from Reno Nevada, the school I went to was full of white kids who had never really associated with students of other color or anything like that. That was a great opening for pestering and being made fun of. They used to tell me that I would wipe poop all over my skin and that it just never came off. Rumors fled the school that I was adopted because my mother was white and my father was an African American. They didn't believe that that was real. However, it is real. Sometimes people are still surprised that I have a white mother. It doesn't bother me as much as it did. Also, I have an immigrant step father. He is from Mexico.

With him it is a different story. He thought that everyone in the family should be dropped off in Mexico until we could speak fluent Spanish and we knew the culture like the back of our hand. He would tell us that we weren't allowed to speak English anymore and that it was a Mexican family now. And yet, when I asked him if we could learn a little about my own culture, he responded with, "Black people are just stupid people that dance around a fire speaking monkey language and they should all go back to Africa where they came from." I'll never forget those words, and I'll never forgive my mother for agreeing with him.

In my eyes there are two types of immigrants. The first type is the pushy type. They believe in forcing their heritage on others around them, attempting to dominate those around them. They don't like it when you cook the wrong food, speak the wrong language or admire people who aren't a part of their culture. I believe that if they are so hell bent on living their culture, they should go back where they came from. Its like they haven't even left in the first place. Then there is type two. They are the type that come to America looking for a fresh start. They maybe had it rough where they came from or they are just looking to settle in America. They do their best to learn our language, our culture without fully letting go of their own. Nor do they push their language or culture on others. I feel that those are the people that deserve to stay. They are willing to earn a living just like us, working just like us. Their children deserve equal education. Not that the others don't, it's just that if they aren't willing to learn our culture and language, or they have a bad attitude about it, why force them?

I think that we should be willing to see the good on all immigrants. I believe that it shouldn't matter where they came from because we are all people. People who do the best we can everyday. Doing what we think is right and doing are best to keep it that way. Striving to do right. I think that we shouldn't push everyone away because some of them are really good people who would like a chance to work and earn a living like us so we should help them out the best way that we can. In school, if they need help I think that we should help them and keep our crude comments to our self because it could really mess some one up. Take it from some one who knows a bit about it. It's not like we can help where, why, or from whom we were born. It's not like we can disobey our parents and refuse to be brought up a certain way. I think that people should earn their respect, but we should at least be polite on the way there.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Stem Cell Research

I think that people should just get over it. I mean if they want to study things so that they can become familiar with they way things in the human body work I think they should let them. How else are we supposed to try and find cures and what not? I mean sure, I may not know a lot about it but I read up on it at " "
It told me that it is a a type of research that helps advance the knowledge on how organisms develop and things like that. I don't see the harm in it and I think it will do a lot of good. And I mean of course it will have two sides to it. The people that agree and the people that don't, but that is with everything we do in daily life. People are just like that.
"If you are someone who believes that a single cell embryo is a person then you are looking for any opportunity you can to make that argument. But as a country, legally, we've never accepted that," and I think that is true.
I mean we never really know when life begins, or when it ends. I mean if it is a cell, with no heart to start beating, doesn't that mean that its not really living. Sure cells live, but not the same way. Its different. Not to mention the fact that with this research, we can now start trying to find cures and what not for other things. My grandma also thinks it will do a lot of good. So I don't see the harm in it.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What will happen to the news paper?

I think that what will happen is that many people will lose their jobs over this unless they come up with something new and better. I saw this in a commercial once, but they were trying to portray the future,you know with the futuristic clothes and all. I think it was a "Lens Crafters" commercial, but this lady was holding this paper thin, electronic screen. It was all see through and what not, but it was electronic. They may already have things like that out, but they need to make it bigger. People are suckers for cool electronic things. And I think that years from now, we will have electronic news papers that will have the news transported to them daily. The money they make off of those would do a lot for the company. Besides it would be less waste and what not.

As of right now, at this very moment, we don't have a lot of money, however, hopefully it will get better and people will be able to live at ease once more. That includes the news paper companies. Perhaps it will be then that they decide is the right time for the big step of something like that, but ever since I saw that commercial I was dead set on there being electronic news papers. I still am. They thought of it in the commercial, so they MUST have thought of it now.

One thing is for certain though, I don't think we'll ever not have news papers. Perhaps its because I was brought up with them so I can't fathom not having them, but I think they will stay. They may be hanging on by a string, a hair or whatever, but I think they will stay.Besides, if they didn't the news channels would get more money because more people would watch the news to see what is going on. And we do have the Internet. Its like the Record Searchlight online, so its not like we won't be without it either, should something actually happen to the news papers. (Which I don't think will happen.)

It will all get better one day.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

What is acting?

What is acting? People would think that it is a simply job where people just slack off and get paid to read lines and fake things. They think that is an easy job and they think that since things like acting aren't really important, that it, along with dance and other art programs should be cut from school systems. They think that without the chance to do this in high school and learn, it could really affect people and their dreams. I really learned this in another area. I learned without precise training in certain areas of acting, once you hit the real world, you see how much your lacking. Hence when I went to an audition at the college. Some people don't see that acting is an actual paying job too. One that you would have to work for just like any other person.

Actors work long, hard hours and sometimes have to have other jobs on the side just to be financially stable. They perform on stage, sitcoms, movies, commercials, radio stations, cabarets, night clubs, theme parks, and where ever else there may be an opportunity such as real situation. For instance, these men, about 40 of them had been held hostage for 10+ years, being treated like scum in another country. So they hired actors to pretend to be helicopter pilots to take the hostages to another place. Once on the plane the people who had been holding them captive were taken captive themselves, while the hostages were taken to safety. Actors did this. They were trained to talk in accents and act a certain way to make things believable.

Listed on some of the sites are acting agents, audition advice, and other such things that would help. They have advice on how to prepare for an audition, what to do, how and what to send things to agencies, what to expect, what is real and what it fake and much more.

Held hostage in Colombia is a story about 3 soldiers who were captured and held hostage in Colombia for 10 years, for others there, longer. I found this useful because in it, the people that saved them, the heroes, were actors.They acted like bad guys and eventually captured the people that were holding them hostage,thus freeing the hostages.

Acting is also a way to step outside of one's self to be some one else. To be free from certain stress you have in everyday life. Its a way to see the other side of things, see how life is for someone else. To see how there are many different situations. To show people certain things, to tell stories. I believe there is a lot more to acting than one would think. It teaches people how to act in situations in life as well. It teaches people expression and so many other things. In my opinion it is the best thing in the world!!

Works Cited

"Acting Career Information: Becoming an Actor or Actress." Education Portal. 9 Mar. 2009 . There wasn't really an author.

Buica, Eugene. "Acting-JUST THE FACTS." The Acting Corps. 9 Mar. 2009 . Eugene Buica is the founder, it said nothing about an author.

Farmer, Ken . "What is acting? ." What is acting. 9 Mar. 2009 .

Fraser, Bob . "Acting School: Inspiration 101." You Must Act. 9 Mar. 2009 .

Media, Moxy. "Acting Career." Discover Fame. 9 Mar. 2009 .

"held hostage in colombia." Held Hostage in Colombia. 9 Mar. 2009 .

Created at

Monday, February 23, 2009

Death of the Dream

As far as I know, California could make a comeback, however, it won't be a quick one. Although, to me that's just common sense. I mean, we just now had a budget approved, JUST NOW! Doesn't that tell you something? And in a lot of means, I really agree with Joel Kotkin. I think that what he is saying about the politics and what not are true. I had heard a few tings about it on the news.
One if his quotes were, "It's often a case of I'm all right Jack-and the hell with everyone else." And I believe that. I think that, until the politics of this state step up, we aren't going anywhere anytime soon. He had mentioned in his article that, San Francisco had been rebuilt from the ashes of a great 1960's fire, and that California had a lot of self-regard.
Also, what he said about people living the high life, the good life, even for the middle class people, that they somehow missed the sense of threats from rising taxes and whatnot. It had resulted in an "unreasonable reform, with new and inflexible limits on property and income taxes that made holding the budget together far more difficult." And that rings true to me as well. I think he is right to say that because really, how else did one think a lot of this started? There was another mention about some of the things that happened, about the racial "tide" as he had called it. He had said that it was not totally based on prejudice, however a lot of the newcomers provoked fear that there wasn't a limit on how many people could move into the state.
So basically, he has named almost every type of person, and while it may be the politico's job to help us out of it, and they could maybe have helped it a bit, it seems to be everyone. And I believe that as well. I think its true and I agree with him 100%

Friday, February 20, 2009

Threethings that interest me...

Three things that interest me are...Family,Love and Art.
They interest me because they hit close to home. Although family isn't my best subject, I'm pretty sure I can argue about it. Like for instance, the families that disown their children because they like a guy that is not a part of their religion. Well, the disowning in itself is stupid enough. I mean how do you disown someone in your family. And when I watched an episode of Private Practice, this girl had a surgery to give her back her "purity" so to speak. Apparently her mother wanted her to marry someone else and so she dumped her boyfriend and got to surgery and moved back to India I think it was.
Also there are many topics that go to art and love...well that is just huge to me. I could come up with a million and one arguments.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

So, finally there has been a agreement on the budget. Its sad that it took them so long, however, I'm simply glad that they had finally done something. When I watched the news last about it, they were thinking about having to send I.O.U.'s to people. Who knows, they may still have to but its a start and beggars can't be choosers.

I think that them sending money to the educational end of it all is a good choice. I mean, I'm not a big fan of school, but it does get frustrating when, say your favorite teacher gets a cut. That would also mean more students to a class and what not. Yeah, really frustrating. I also think that its great that small businesses will be given small tax breaks. It would be hard for them to keep going I'd bet without them. (A tax break is a good thing right?)

In all honesty though, I really try to avoid thinking about all of this at the moment. My grandma and counselor told me not to stress over it so I don't. But I do know that the one person who said they would only sign if there was money being sent to the horse racing track just...well I don't care to say what I truly thought. I mean, yeah its nice for those who have money, to go and blow it on horse races and what now, but the reality is, there aren't many of them now a day. They had recently caught Lindsey Lohan shopping at a $10 only store, claiming that since the economy was down, she wasn't going to blow her money like mad.

Also, the octo mom. Yeah she really helped the Tax payers out. She and that doctor. I mean I see nothing wrong with having children, but when you are one welfare and food stamps, you live with your parents and are single, its not a good thing. Not to mention that the tax payers are going to have to pay for it. I'm not happy with it, but I'm not absolutely livid enough to send her threats.

Anyway, I just think that its great that they finally got something done. I'm not going to sit and nit pick everything that we could do without because hey, we are getting the much needed money that we have been waiting for and for that I should be happy, so I'm going to be. Sorry, this is really all just opinionated.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Organs for sale

I believe that people should be able to do whatever they want with their organs. And I mean, if someone is dying, and they need a organ,there's one available, why wait? Why waste time waiting for another when there was one right in front of you? I mean sure, if it was a vital organ I don't think they should do it, but if it was something that could be donated and the other person would live through it, then sure I think they should be able to do it.
I think that the world is getting too strict on things. Like for instance, suicide. While I don't think its right, its that person's choice not anyone else's. I feel that it should be the same with organs. Who's right is it to choose whether or not they sell their organs?Its not the government's.It certainly isn't the law makers', its the person's organ. The one who is selling it. And I think that if they are willing to suffer for it, so be it.
I mean, perhaps their family is going through a major check loss.Both mom and dad lost their jobs.We don't need any more cases on families killing themselves just because they don't have money. And if they found a way to get money and not steal it, all the more power to them. But then again,everyone has their own opinion.I'm simply just expressing my own.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama says...

According to pres. Obama's inaugural address, this is, "A new era of responsibility," as nothing is so defining of character, as "difficult times".
I think that this is referring to the money situation, global warming, and other such things nationally. I think that he is meaning they need to be more responsible with that type of thing. The difficult times meaning that, yeah sure, its difficult right now but that doesn't mean quit and not take responsibility for it. In order to fix it, the responsible ones need to pick up the broken pieces and fix them.
Also, the workers that work for the government, they need to also take more responsibility. There was whole news article on how they just didn't come to work and yet they still got paid. They were slacking off, not doing their job and yet they still got paid while others went without. I think that that could be applied there. I don't really know what he's thinking, however, I wouldn't be surprised if he was thinking about that as well.
Local wise, I think that the California workers who work for the Governor need to take responsibility as well. Schwartzenegger took charge and simply told said workers that if they weren't going to get anything done, they could go without their pay check as well. And while they may not like that, its is teaching them to take responsibilities. Bill collectors aren't going to accept "I.O.U.'s" so it simply means they need to step up their game.
As for me personally, I think that it applies to my family (My granny and I) in our spending issue. I know there are plenty of things that we could do and try to do, however, we have a weakness for buying things. We get money and we instantly spend it. And we could say we are going to save the money for something and we never do. Like for instance, I just got a pair of $60 shoes and I didn't need them. Plus we spent $30 on eating out when we could have save that money and put it back for needs or something. However, that's just not the way my grandma and I work.
I think it applies to us in a way that says, we need to take responsibly and buckle down. I think it means that we need to quit buying so much things. However, its hard. Old habits die hard and while it sounds easy its not. I mean, I don't ask for AS MUCH anymore. I did do that much, and for that, I'm proud of myself.
To be honest, I wasn't excited about Obama being president at first, and then yesterday it hit me and now I'm kind of proud. I'm kind of excited as well. I want to see what he had in store for us and I have this overwhelming feeling of being safe. Like if you were trapped in a dark scary place and then you see a light and someone comes and picks you up and saves you. That's kind of how I feel. I feel that what he has to say, we should listen to because its the truth and that those who ignore it, they're just afraid of the truth. They don't want to hear it because they are afraid to admit it to themselves.
Yet then again....there is that nagging saying, "We all do the best we can, even if, in the eyes of others, its wrong."

Thursday, January 8, 2009

What I've learned

Let's see, through out high school....or even school, I've learned a few things. Whether it was something I consciously learned or something I learned that I didn't really care to learn, I learned it. And yet, here I sit, with not one in my head to write about. Wait, I have one.

Throughout school, I have learned how to talk with people. Not only teenagers, actually that's kind of my worst subject, but adults. I find it really easy and sometimes, I find myself more opt to talking to a teacher than a student. So perhaps we can list that as people skills. Like, I talk to Ellen Southard regularly on the phone. It comes natural and sometimes people are surprised by it. Guess they say things to my grandma about it. I don't really have anyone to thank for that...Just kind of something I picked up throughout school.

Another thing I learned was how to have more confidence when talking in front of someone. When I was in 7th grade I had requested to be put in Drama class and I wasn't, and so I had asked the teacher, Mrs. Goodson why I had not been put in that class. She had told me something about my confidence, how when I was called on, I was scared out of my mind and spoke quieter than a mouse. So she made me promise her that if she allowed me in her drama class I would never be like that again. And since then, I've struck true to my word. I sometimes thank her for that.

Other than that, I can't really think of much else. I can't say I've learned to get up in the morning because I haven't. Getting up at 10a.m. is hard for me and I sleep through alarm clocks. When I say I'm not a morning person, I'm really not. I'm still not very good at spelling, I guess that's something I still need to work on. Other than that, I don't really know what else to list. The rest is just the mandatory things you have to learn in class.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Describe Hamlet

Hamlet is, in my opinion, a victim of circumstance. I guess I say that because of the situation he's in and all. He just happens to be the victim. And with the way his uncle was, it just wasn't possible for him not to be. I don't think that he is incapable of action. I actually think he is very smart by not taking immediate action. Instead he took the time to plan.
I do not think that he is a prince who lusts for power. I honestly think that he just doesn't want his uncle to be in power of it all. Especially since he found out the way his father died. Not to mention, he married his mother. I do however, think he is very intelligent, I don't know about insight, but his plan yells intelligence to me. As for his sanity, well, he is just a pretty good actor. I think it may have taken a lot out of him to act the way he did but I don't necessarily think he is insane or anything.