According to pres. Obama's inaugural address, this is, "A new era of responsibility," as nothing is so defining of character, as "difficult times".
I think that this is referring to the money situation, global warming, and other such things nationally. I think that he is meaning they need to be more responsible with that type of thing. The difficult times meaning that, yeah sure, its difficult right now but that doesn't mean quit and not take responsibility for it. In order to fix it, the responsible ones need to pick up the broken pieces and fix them.
Also, the workers that work for the government, they need to also take more responsibility. There was whole news article on how they just didn't come to work and yet they still got paid. They were slacking off, not doing their job and yet they still got paid while others went without. I think that that could be applied there. I don't really know what he's thinking, however, I wouldn't be surprised if he was thinking about that as well.
Local wise, I think that the California workers who work for the Governor need to take responsibility as well. Schwartzenegger took charge and simply told said workers that if they weren't going to get anything done, they could go without their pay check as well. And while they may not like that, its is teaching them to take responsibilities. Bill collectors aren't going to accept "I.O.U.'s" so it simply means they need to step up their game.
As for me personally, I think that it applies to my family (My granny and I) in our spending issue. I know there are plenty of things that we could do and try to do, however, we have a weakness for buying things. We get money and we instantly spend it. And we could say we are going to save the money for something and we never do. Like for instance, I just got a pair of $60 shoes and I didn't need them. Plus we spent $30 on eating out when we could have save that money and put it back for needs or something. However, that's just not the way my grandma and I work.
I think it applies to us in a way that says, we need to take responsibly and buckle down. I think it means that we need to quit buying so much things. However, its hard. Old habits die hard and while it sounds easy its not. I mean, I don't ask for AS MUCH anymore. I did do that much, and for that, I'm proud of myself.
To be honest, I wasn't excited about Obama being president at first, and then yesterday it hit me and now I'm kind of proud. I'm kind of excited as well. I want to see what he had in store for us and I have this overwhelming feeling of being safe. Like if you were trapped in a dark scary place and then you see a light and someone comes and picks you up and saves you. That's kind of how I feel. I feel that what he has to say, we should listen to because its the truth and that those who ignore it, they're just afraid of the truth. They don't want to hear it because they are afraid to admit it to themselves.
Yet then again....there is that nagging saying, "We all do the best we can, even if, in the eyes of others, its wrong."