Friday, October 24, 2008

Bridge to nowhere...

It is, to my understanding, the bridge that was supposed to be created for the purpose of in a way, connecting Ketchkian Alaska to the other parts...Making it considered somewhere in some people's eyes. It had been promised to them for 30 years. However, that bridge never got finished. I figure its famous for that exact reason...Well, so I figured. Ketchkain is considered "nowhere" and the bridge was going to "nowhere".
So far, the writer seems to have a problem, not only with the costly end of the issue, but Governor Sarah Palin. On how she was apparently bragging about how she "stopped the bridge to nowhere". The write seemed to not want to be on the first page of anything, but instead, be left in peace away from the media and whatnot. They didn't like the public lashing that they got and that Palin had "shelved" their project by sending press releases and not "telling them to their faces". Seems to me like they are a close community. I was in a way, convinced that what she had did was wrong and they she should have been more open with her community. The way it was written, it sounded a lot like what a sibling would say.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Zakaria's Premise

As the economy falls there are different strategies that people think of to try and save us from what is to come. The things we have only read about in books. The things that we mentally find our selves saying, "I'm glad I was born now instead of then". Things that we try to not worry about, hoping it will pass over....We are trying to prevent that. To keep away from the horrors of "back then".
One of the strategies is that we simply buckle down on what we spend. Don't buy what isn't needed and isn't necessary.
That strategy is very reasonable in my opinion...Hard yes, but sometimes in life, we have to do things we don't particularly want to do. And we need to do this, because at the moment, we don't have the most money. And I believe his plan. He has a point.
"Amid all the difficulties and hardship that we are about to undergo, I see one silver lining. This crisis has—dramatically, vengefully—forced the United States to confront the bad habits it has developed over the past few decades. If we can kick those habits, today's pain will translate into gains in the long run."
And that is true.
However, there really isn't much one can say about it. When you believe in something, often one finds it hard to explain certain things. I often find myself having that problem. I agree whole heartedly though, what with the saving and consuming less. And I know that I'm going to be one to struggle with that. I'm honestly one who would spend hundreds of dollars on a purse. Bad yes, but I have that habit and it needs to stop in order to fix the oncoming problem we are encountering.
Guess that's all one can say, seeing as everyone has their own opinions.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Worst Ads on TV

So today, the article that I read had to do with advertising prescription drugs on TV. The article was written by the famous writer, "Stephen King". The question is, do I agree with what he stated in it? So far, it seems as though Stephen King didn't seem to like the sound of prescription drugs being advertised over the TV because of the way people will just take them if they think it will make them better, not thinking about the side effects. And I agree with that. I mean of course in my own opinion I don't think I would so much mind them being advertised and all its just that they should also state the side effects. It wouldn't hurt anyhow. Let them know when they can take it, how it should be taken, if they should really pay an attention to the side effects or not. But other than that...Its pretty simple. They need to advertise their products to do business just like any other company that sells things. How else would people know about it.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Is this a replay of 1929?

Lately, here in America, we have been dealing with quite a bit of financial issues. There was talk about the depression, the recession and other things like that. Its scary to think about that, hearing about all of the homeless people back then...For people who have very large and vivid imaginations, you can only guess what they're thinking. And its like, you tell your self don't worry about it, you do more to distract yourself from it but now, everywhere you look, you hear about it. Its everywhere and you can't avoid it. Better yet, its hitting close to home!
They say that the recession could be a repeat of 1929 and then there are those who say that back in 1929 "The beast" was different. I mean, I don't quite understand how, other than we have a bit more security with the insurance that we have now-a-day. However, that uneasy feeling in the pit of one's stomach still remains. There is the dancer of losing one's home and/or job...And I know this sounds stupid but I don't see why they just can't print out more money to save the day! If we're really that desperate I mean. But still, I know the system doesn't work like that.
My opinion on it all varies. In my own opinion of my opinion, I don't really have one. That's simply because I don't know that much about it, or maybe I did but I don't remember it. Or there is also that little possibility that I don't want to know about it. Its scary and I wasn't always so glad that it was in the past.
As I read on, I got the impression that Samuelson's point is to get the idea of the bailout through to people who don't see to agree with it. I also think that he really believes that the bailout will help. Not like fix it over night or fix it to where we will never have to worry about it again, but enough to help what little bit it can.
In these words, "The Great Depression resulted from the perverse mix of a weak economy and government policies that magnified the weakness and that were only partially neutralized by the New Deal. If we can avoid a comparable blunder, the great drama of these recent weeks may prove blessedly misleading," It pretty much states how they think the depression back then was different. I don't understand it but they are trying to give us confidence and beggars can't be choosers.
Anyhow, I'm really unsure what else there is to say about this. I do my best to keep my mind free of all these things whenever possible.