Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Worst Ads on TV

So today, the article that I read had to do with advertising prescription drugs on TV. The article was written by the famous writer, "Stephen King". The question is, do I agree with what he stated in it? So far, it seems as though Stephen King didn't seem to like the sound of prescription drugs being advertised over the TV because of the way people will just take them if they think it will make them better, not thinking about the side effects. And I agree with that. I mean of course in my own opinion I don't think I would so much mind them being advertised and all its just that they should also state the side effects. It wouldn't hurt anyhow. Let them know when they can take it, how it should be taken, if they should really pay an attention to the side effects or not. But other than that...Its pretty simple. They need to advertise their products to do business just like any other company that sells things. How else would people know about it.

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