Have you ever noticed that now days, parents tend to be "nosey". Or in other terms, they tend to "spy" on their kids. And of course, the kids HATE it! They think that they should have a right to privacy. Yet, they never seem to notice that their careless behavior sometimes earns it.
I understand that sometimes parents could in some sense, step over the line. There is a term for that however, called "Over Protective". Its where they have absolutely no trust in their children what so ever, and better yet, their children did nothing to deserve this behavior. I came form one of those families. I remember being in 3rd grade and asking to spend the night at my friend's house for a slumber party...My mother had said no because she didn't want boys to be there. As the years progressed, I finally bugged her until she came up with, "Its not you I don't trust, its the men in the other houses". My grandmother finally told me that, behind my back, my mother had been telling everyone I couldn't be trusted. Yes that really sucks. Especially since I couldn't have done anything wrong anyhow, seeing as I could never and WAS never allowed out of my house unless she (my mother) went with me.
However, there is also the type of parent who is more concerned with being their child's friend than being the parent. Their kids are reckless (most of the time...not always) and disrespectful. They think that because their parents don't care that it doesn't matter. They could fail school or do drugs, have sex, get involved with violence and never break a sweat. Their parent's don't care so why should they. Who ever tries to teach them differently, they don't matter anyhow. However, then there are some kids who are mature enough to try and build a life for themselves, regardless of if their parent's care or not. They get good grades and work to get enough money to move out and have a better life.
In my opinion, I think its ok for parents to spy on their kids at certain times. Kids need a chance to make mistakes to learn from it. When you spend your whole life sheltered and monitored, you don't know what to do with yourself once its over. Once you have their freedom your either scared out of their wits and hide in the dark or go hog wild and get into a heap of trouble. I think that parents should be open minded and not so harsh so that if their kid(s) make a mistake, they won't be afraid to come to them. You know like the dream mother daughter relationship off the TV show "Gilmore Girls".
I guess what I'm trying to say is that while its ok to spy, there is a certain extent to that. Like if you have a feeling your child is making a very big mistake or you think they are in trouble. That's what parents are for. To step in and teach their kids. To get them through things. But, that doesn't mean tearing their room apart inch from inch, going through everything they own. Going through their backpacks constantly. I've been through that and I feel like those things are uncalled for.
But I'm just a teenager...
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